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    Arms of Morpheus. Dreams interpretation

    Purse: examples of dreams. Page 2

    You had a wallet , purse , wallet , bag.
    WALLET PURSE are symbols of both male and female sexual solvency or insolvency .
     We are one and the same word "to be wealthy " express success in different areas: 1) finance , 2) career 3 ) Science 4) sex , 5) power.
    In addition to the power of page number 1. Purse examples of dreams :
    1) Example of dreams : " The dreamer returned to the hotel . Hear the noise from the street and her gaze falls on window. Window leaf is open. Outside the window visor or roof, fresh tracks on snow shoes. Arises the idea of ​​thieves . Detects missing bag. Inside the bag were : wallet, money, documents , mobile phone . Strongly upset. Sees another of his bag , large leather dark brown.In this bag her gold ring. Thinks to do with it . On hand to dress , or hang around the neck to keep . " Interpretation: stolen bag with all important content - this feeling of loss of opportunities : sexual , procreative . And perhaps even what that other ( eg career ) . Woman crying , tragic perceives the situation . Enhance picture snow, winter . In the language of symbols mean - " too late." Alien room (hotel) , a strange city , the situation in which everyone feels uncertainly. So woman feels . As we say, " out of place " . Window ajar , it means " it sees " ( equivalent to the concept of " open your eyes " ) .She see everything , understands and knows . Footprints in the snow can be not only a hint of the thieves , but also our children .Tracks (here the trail in the snow ) . Ledge or balcony also says that the building is a woman . And as an incentive prize - a large leather bag with a gold ring as a last chance . Woman says how to use it . It's a little reassured her .So is man , he hoped against all odds.
    2) Example: ( number of details , clarifying the situation in more detail dreamer omitted) " .... dreamer climbs the stairs in a large crowd , worrying that in the commotion can steal the purse, which she had in the bag. Suitable for a woman - thief and trying to prevent the theft of beats that hand. Discovers bags purse is still there , they are stolen . Strongly disappointed ! She thinks it was stolen kids , homeless flock . Runs Them up the stairs , and the kids run away. Still sees a group of schoolchildren. Ran, she thinks she saw a familiar man . But no, this is not it . Children claimed her purse . Dreamer  keep in the hands of another package and bag . "
    Interpretation: Stairs . Up the stairs - is desired sex scene . But she's not a man alone. A large crowd , it means a secret desire or thought . Purse stolen, in spite of all efforts. So lost sexual ability , the ability to give birth (or other features ) . One character may submit their several . A large number of children she can not catch up . This repetition and reinforcement of the same thoughts , can not give birth ( catch , catch ) . Also hopes to meet a man not happened. On was not so . She still in the hands of the package and bag and they may not be empty. There is a " restful prize " hope. By the way , the expression " beat hand " means to counteract the intention of the person to do something to fulfill his plan. Reversal occurs . Not someone opposes dreamer , and she prevented or interfere in the implementation intentions . So she thinks. So same way try to interpret his dreams
    3)Example: "The bag fell onto the road and drove her , one after the other two cars". Interpretation: The dreamer feels the possibility of reducing the financial solvency in connection with the subject concerning which something two cars (purchase - sale, sell one and buy another ) . It irritates him . If it 's bag , it may be symbolically represented sex with two men. " They drove me " as is sometimes said, when people inflicted psychological trauma.
    4)Example: "The husband with a purse full of money left to spend one" . Here equivalent two options: a) The husband how you feel , uses your existing joint agents only for themselves (not just money) , and b) you left or are going to leave ( quit ) , though he is not without options. This is evidenced by the phrase " left alone " , so he was left alone.
    5)Example: Dreaming " guest forgot wallet ." Interpretation: Its solvency or viability of the area in which it is up to you (including maybe sexy ) . If the wallet he left you . Maybe you just want to be dependent on the consistency you. In your will to return the purse. It's like he did not lose anything . He is consistent . Do not return the purse . Means to him is tantamount to a loss of viability . If you pick up a purse , then increased its capacity ( viability ) due to this person. If guest did not you forgot wallet. And come to you without purse . So he showed in front of you what that failure and you know what .
    6 )Example: Funny dream: " beat the man purse. " Figuratively represented expression: "To beat the ruble " or " Beat on the wallet ." Noting about the financial situation of the options : 1 ) How to reduce the punishment salary premium. " Blow to the wallet ", 2) To be sensible what a waste of money . It greatly reduces the supply of money . " Swipes on the wallet " 3 ) The penalty for violation of what is just "hits " on the wallet . Since dreams are not rare rollover . The situation may be presented : a) you " hit " on the wallet . b) you intend someone to "hit " on the wallet .
    For each symbol presents several values. There may be others not represented here. The expectation is that you will not passively accept the information and actively participate in the interpretation of dreams .
    Familiarize yourself with the options of your interpretation of characters , try to remember and understand in relation to you than they could dream of. Such as waking , if you notice a scratch on his body or stain on clothes. You do start to remember where, when or how this could happen . Iterate in mind all possible varianty. So same and should be treated with a dream .
    NOTE : This note should be to each character . It is not always possible to accept these images as symbols. It may simply be captured in memory pictures drawn with as a background against which develop other more important events . Necessary to consider all the complex. What thoughts , feelings and memories they call you .
    IMPORTANT POINT : Based on the experience of analytical psychology ( Freud ) , if the dream does not cause the object associations. That does not occur any thoughts in connection with it , it can be interpreted as a symbol . It's certainly not as aksioma. So association may be absent due to the strong resistance of censorship ( consciousness). Somresistance of censorship ( consciousness). Some people claim that they never see dreams. This is not so . Just censorship instantly erases them , can not be conscious. Too strict censorship or too harmful desires. Write to us , we will understand.Continuing the theme of "Wallet" on page 1

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