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    Arms of Morpheus. Dreams interpretation

    Purse: lose, find, stolen. Page 1.

    You had a wallet , purse , wallet , bag.
    WALLET PURSE are symbols of both male and female sexual
    solvency or insolvency .
    1)Example: A man , on the eve of a meeting with a woman with a possible sexual relationship , dreaming that " he forgot at home purse (money) " In the dream he was upset because of this . " The meaning of dreams : He worries that at the crucial moment may come to grief in their ( male) , and not financial insolvency. Dreaming gives soothing replacement. This is not bankrupt you as a man , and a purse ( wallet) is forgotten, lost, stolen or
    empty. Do not worry, everything will be fine , there is a purse.
    We are one and the same word "to be wealthy " express success in different areas: 1) finance , 2) career 3 ) Science 4) sex , 5) power.
     Rich man , (having a lot of money ), we are not wealthy rarely call . Successful person in some area we call wealthy. To makes and dream , substituting one concept to others. So forgotten, lost or stolen wallet (money ) is the concept of " loss ." Can express the feeling of not only sexual , but also career or scientific, creative unsoundness. Everyday life forgetting purse causes only a slight annoyance Unlike other sensations insolvency sexual , career , scientific, creative . But this feeling , fear of the dreamer , dream on the eve of a verdict or not the diagnosis . It is not the man himself rarely perceive their situation more critical , pessimistic than it really is .
    Cash replenishment ( found purse or received from someone else ) , the presence of a weighty wallet ( purse ) in a dream. Evidence of actual or desired consistency in different areas : career, sex, art, science or anything else .
    2) Purse ( bag with a purse ) can steal away , to lose : Typical dream:
    Woman has a dream : "Where something is missing bag with a purse or a wallet (money) . His stolen
    or she has lost . She was very upset , crying . " Interpretation of Dreams : Problems
    health. This makes it impossible to have a baby. This reflects the failure of
    women . Substitution creates a soothing dream . No , you're not inconsistent , as a woman, but only purse ( handbag ) empty, lost or stolen . Restore , buy, find a lost wallet (money) or you ,can find a bag and purse. People may not be aware of the desire to have or even deny it . Night on an unconscious level the desire manifested .
    3) Forget the house purse, not a sign of a strong prejudice , both from his losses. So dreamer perceives some situation arose in his insolvency in some region. All reversible, as in a dream and reality. Anxiety about what you get and you do not yourself sexually ( or career , science) is not consistent, you feel .
    4) A woman accuses a man in a dream , that he spent all the money and can not buy (give) her desired jewel. This reproach of men or sexual failure his sexual failure. Maybe he has another woman or have problems with health .Not rarely in dreams , where there reproaches dialogues can take place turning pay attention to it ) . That is, in a dream woman chided . But in reality it may be that these accusations makes a man against a woman . Phrases uttered in a dream , always move it off the shelf. Often modified , " mixed " , transposed taken from a real conversation. To hint at the circumstances or place where they were uttered. Remember when you heard or said these words .
    5) Purse and Handbag is classic symbols of wealthy (or are not consistent ) . For modern people the samesymbols can be credit cards , bank accounts , passbooks .
    6) Handbag or purse in a dream can be not only symbols, and be themselves, things. Example: " The dreamer enters the shop and sees a small red leather handbag . Handbag, as she said to be worth half a million or a million . A woman says," I take . "
    Dreamer to speculate about how it is for someone to pay for a handbag million . What should be made this bag to have the price. It is not a great price for a decent handbag bought . " Interpretation: Handbag at an affordable price really was purchased . Thoughts about the millions prices too real. They concern not only handbags. Wealthy people there , unlike sleeping . Whoever may have a purse, has and others less able .
    7) Subject monetary relations in the dream can also represent themselves money relations in reality.
    For example the dream: " Strange man and woman. Fun , according to the dreamer . Require him some money . Twice he denied them , checking documents , threatened by the police. They continue to demand . He considers them crooks plans to apply to law police. That confirmed authenticity of documents or expose them. Hopes that they will be left behind , frightened . " Interpretation: The Companions of the dreamer awake made ​​a number of costs. It should contribute their share . He agrees to participate in the payment of some of them , but not all. Dreaming fulfills his desire to give money is not necessary. Dreaming could present them as robbers , who failed plan.
    8 ) Funny dream: " beat the man purse. " Figuratively represented expression: "To beat the ruble " or " Beat on the wallet ." Noting about the financial situation of the options : 1 ) How to reduce the punishment salary premium. " Blow to the wallet ", 2) To be sensible what a waste of money . It greatly reduces the supply of money . " Swipes on the wallet " 3 ) The penalty for violation of what is just "hits " on the wallet . Since dreams are not rare rollover . The situation may be presented : a) you " hit " on the wallet . b) you intend someone to "hit " on purses.
    For each character is represented by multiple values. There may be others not presented here . The expectation is that you will not passively accept the information andactively participate in the interpretation of dreams .
    Familiarize yourself with the options of your interpretation of characters , try to remember and understand in relation to you than they could dream of. Such as waking , if you notice a scratch on his body or stain on clothes. You do start to remember where, when or how it
    could happen. Iterate in mind all possible varianty.Tak same and should be treated with a dream .
    NOTE : This note should be to each character . It is not always possible to accept these images as symbols. It may simply be captured in memory pictures drawn by as background. Where developing other more important events . Necessary to consider all the complex. What thoughts , feelings and memories they call you .
    IMPORTANT POINT : Based on the experience of analytical psychology ( Freud ) , if the dream does not cause the object associations.  Does not occur any thoughts in connection with it , it can be interpreted as a symbol . It's certainly not as aksioma.So association may be absent due to the strong resistance of censorship ( consciousness). Some people claim that they never see dreams. This is not so . Just censorship instantly erases them , can not be conscious. Too strict censorship or too harmful desires. Write to us , we will understand.
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    Continuing the theme of "Wallet" on page 2